Doorstep Arts is a non-profit arts education organisation based in Torbay. We run drama groups across Torbay at key doorstep sites – youth clubs, church halls and schools. We are also the creative education company in residence at the Palace Theatre, Paignton.
The young people who attend these groups range in age from 0-25. They write their own stories and songs, and they explore original ideas through drama process, play, and imagination. The groups provide safe educational spaces to experiment with what it means to be an artist and to explore your own voice.
We believe that we all make the story happen – that participation in the arts is a key part of working for social justice. We believe that all children’s voices and stories matter and deserve to be listened to. Doorstep Arts believes that all children deserve to be able to access high-quality participatory arts and to see (and make) amazing and inspiring work on their own doorsteps.
All of Doorstep’s work is educational practice as action research. This research explores pedagogy, performance and praxis with young people as co-researchers. Our research and practice is conducted through 5 key inter-connected strands of work.