Young Songwriters Project
Calling young songwriters! Do you write songs? Do you play an instrument? Are you interested in developing your songwriting skills and working together with other young musicians to co-create an original musical?
This summer, a special group of young people aged 14-20 will take part in a summer writing intensive, developing their own original songs, poems, stories and scripts for a shared performance alongside Plymouth-based youth company Beyond Face.
The written work & music will be inspired by the theme ‘What Are You Fighting For?’ and the work of young adult writer Muhammed Khan. This writing project is the first stage of a year-long devising process which will culminate with a large-scale theatre production.
The Young Songwriters project will run on August 12, 13 and 14 for a three day summer writing intensive at Torre Abbey, and then be followed up with a Sunday rehearsal on 8th September. The final pieces will be shared as part of the International Agatha Christie Festival on Saturday 14 September. This project will be led by Doorstep Arts Co-Directors Jade Campbell and Erin Walcon, and supported by musician Tarrin Vane.
If you know of a young songwriter aged 14-20 who might be keen to take part, ring 01803 558811 or email Erin Walcon ( to ask questions or book on.