Landance by the Sea

Saturday 27th July 11:30am, Preston Beach
Sunday 28th July 11:30am, Torre Abbey Sands
Price: FREE

If you go down to the beach this weekend you’ll be in for a big surprise! Landance are running free pop up performances on the seafront and beach.

An evocative duet, starting on the promenade then descending to the water’s edge, it is inspired by the experience of young couples during WW1, falling in love, parting, reuniting with the Armistice.

Landance performed this short piece unannounced in Weymouth last summer, with glowing feedback: ‘I loved it, as it was moving, beautiful, gentle, evocative, subtle, high quality and not in your face…’

These performances are part of a South West Tour supported by Arts Council England, Pavilion Dance South West, Activate, The Arts Development Company,
Doorstep Arts & Eyeview and Weymouth Town, BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole), Torbay, Sedgemoor & North Somerset Councils.


Saturday 27th July Preston Sands promenade at 11.30am, 12.15pm & 1pm, weather permitting.

Sunday 28th July Torre Abbey Sands at 11.30am, 12.15pm & 1pm, weather permitting.


Look out for an emerald green flag flying high & an A-board on the promenade to find the performances, or visit Facebook landancelive for up to the minute information.