Earth Hour Torbay
8.30pm – 9.30pm
A very special event is being planned to mark Earth Hour in Torbay on the evening of 26th March 2022. Commissioned by the English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark and Torbay Council, residents are being invited to turn off their lights at home and head down to Torre Abbey Sands in Torquay to join in the unique event, which is a first of its kind in the Bay.
Participants are encouraged to bring a lantern (instructions on how to make one will be provided online) and meet outside the Princess Theatre at 8pm. There they will be able to sign a climate pledge before joining a lantern parade down to the beach for the main event.
The festoon lighting will turn off at 8.30pm to reveal our unique candle-lit beach artwork, followed by a fun hour of ‘unplugged’ musical entertainment. It is also hoped that other businesses around the Bay will also support the event by turning off some of their exterior lighting for the duration of Earth Hour, which runs between 8.30pm and 9.30pm.
With supporters in over 190 countries and happening ahead of the UN CBD COP 15 (United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity 15th Conference of the Parties) in China, Earth Hour is an unmissable opportunity to shine a spotlight on this crucial conference for nature, building the global momentum needed to pressure world leaders into action.
Nick Powe, Geopark Chairman said: An aspect of the UNESCO Global Geopark’s remit is to support the 17 UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals. As such, the Geopark is delighted to be working in partnership with the Council to bring Earth Hour, a global event that sees millions of people around the world turn off their lights to celebrate our planet and highlight the need to be more environmentally friendly, to Torbay.
Download instructions on how to make your own lantern to bring along on the night: Lantern Making Instructions Recycled Lantern Making Instructions
This event has been commissioned by Torbay Council and the English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark and delivered by Tonic Creatives.