22 Apr 2018

Too Much to Say

Post written by: Erin Walcon

Well, it’s a been a bit of a mad March! We finished up our 2-year project Stepping Stones, hosted Torbay’s first breaking battle since the 1980s, delivered our 10th Doorstep Theatre Festival, and got some dads a’dancing. It has been an incredible month, and to be honest, we’re all a bit overwhelmed by it and have been sitting and quietly breathing in the aftermath. (And getting launched as Torbay’s first ever-NPO too… that’s a longed-for dream so epic we can’t even quite believe that it’s come real still.)

There’s just too much to say, and too many March Madness stories to tell, so I’m just going to post some pictures of all the epic happenings and then I’ll spend a few weeks slowly unravelling it all.  #everyonedances #everyonematters