As part of the ongoing work of the Torbay Arts in Schools Network, we are featuring a series of ‘Spotlight Interviews’ with key TASN partners.
Next up: Kate Rudman, one of the driving forces behind Torbay’s Sound Communities.
Question: Tell me a little bit about your role and what you do.
I am one of the founders/Co-directors of Sound Communities CIC. I develop project ideas, apply for funding, oversee the management of projects, work to develop partnerships and the strategic direction of the organisation.
Question: What’s something really exciting/successful that’s happened in the last 6 months?
The development of our production arms:
You can view recent music videos from Oceanside Records here:
Question: Why are schools relationships important to you? How do the schools get involved?
We love working with schools as it enables us to target young people who will benefit from our work and we also hope to support schools with their early intervention programmes. we also enjoy learning from teachers and supporting their CPD too.

Question: Can you describe some ways that families with children & young people engage with your work?
Young people come to us for their alternative education, early intervention programmes, taster sessions and community outreach sessions.

Question: Going forward, what are your hopes and dreams in terms of engagement?
We hope to work with all schools in Torbay, learning together how to best tackle exclusion.

Stay up to date with Sound Communities and their amazing work here:

Sound Communities is a partner and founding member of TASN.
Torbay Arts in Schools Network (TASN) is a collaborative and grassroots effort, comprised of 45 organisations, freelancers, and schools in the Torbay area.
The network serves as Torbay’s Cultural Education Partnership, providing shared regional advocacy, arts menus, creative resources, and arts outreach in partnership with area schools. What is a Local Cultural Education Partnership? Find out more here.
The group is action-driven, and meets fortnightly over Zoom to do shared activity planning. The network is currently chaired and coordinated by Erin Walcon, Co-Director, Doorstep Arts.
The network is open-door and new artists, arts orgs or school staff are always welcome to join –just email to sign up to the mailing list.