Doorstep Arts is proud to be partnering with Sound Communities and The Children’s Society on the delivery of NCS Torbay, a programme consisting of opportunities that offer local young people the chance to:
➜ Mix with other young people from a range of backgrounds
➜ Build employability skills
➜ Develop social skills that support you to live independently
➜ Volunteer and contribute to your community

Our activities at Doorstep will focus on developing leadership, teamwork, communication, creativity and collaboration skills through group sessions, arts and community activities, and event planning, where you will learn as you go. You can work with us in 3 ways:
1) Young Leaders:
A series of 6 x 1.5hr sessions where you will work in small groups to develop core skills in leadership, communication and collaboration using a range of creative approaches. You will leave this programme with increased confidence, as well as improved employability skills.

2) Young Producers:
A producer is someone who makes shows and arts events happen. This series of 6 x 2hr sessions will see you work together as a team of young people to plan a real-life event, that includes live music, theatre, performance, and more!

3) Drama workshops:
A series of 11 x 1hr sessions focussing on key performance skills such as acting, singing, dancing, and creating original work. This will be group work led by an experienced professional artist.

If you would like to find out a bit more by chatting to someone, please email our pathways producer, Sam Parker at
If you would like to sign up, please complete our
referral form linked below…
Sign up form