What is DAS?
Doorstep Arts Studio Courses (DAS) are termly courses to support children & young people to develop performance skills, including acting, singing, dance, and music. These sessions take place at The Palace Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (11-week term).
We focus on teaching singing, dancing and acting in a very gentle, young person-led way. Like all of our groups, we want our young people to have creative choice and freedom within the sessions while learning specific MT tools. It’s important young people know they don’t have to be an ‘incredible’ dancer/singer/actor to join DAS. We meet each child where they are and hope we can support each child on their own individual journey.
We also have an opportunity for Juniors & Seniors to complete Arts Award. More information will come later in the term.
For more information please contact polly@doorsteparts.co.uk
Ages 7-11 (Tues & Weds Juniors) 6-7pm
DAS Courses are led by Polly Ferguson-Carruthers

Polly serves as the Lead Artist for Doorstep, teaches drama at St Cuthbert Mayne in Torquay and delivers dance CPD in primary schools across South Devon. She is a Dartington graduate. Polly is one of the 3 Doorstep Arts Co-Parents, looking after the core strands of our work & strategic direction. She leads the Participation strand.
Senior Groups

DAS Musical Theatre – Seniors (Age 11 – 14) Wednesdays 19.15 – 20.30
The Wednesday senior group is a transition group for young people moving from junior to senior level – it is specifically tailored for young people aged 11 – 14, and teaches key senior-level skills. It is an ideal foundation course for the most advanced DAS course.
DAS Musical Theatre – Seniors (Age 14 – 20) Tuesdays 19.15 – 20.30
The Tuesday senior group is our most advanced course. It is recommended that students joining this course have some prior background or training in musical theatre – either through a different provision or by taking part in one of our junior courses.