Creative Pathways

Doorstep is on a journey with young people who are creating their own alternate pathways, developing skills as researchers, artists, producers and active agents of change. To do this, we are piloting project-based learning models with young people in Torbay, live-generating new work and asking young people to co-design and imagine their own progression opportunities.

Doorstep Youth Theatre began this journey through 2020 through the process of devising History Repeats – the culmination of a year-long creative project exploring Protest & Rebellion – through heritage and action-research, critically reflecting on contemporary contexts, through performance, music, script writing and design.

Through 2021, the creative decision-making at Doorstep Arts is turning Upside Down. Young people are taking on a new level of ownership – co-producing and driving their own artistic projects, inviting other emerging artists to collaborate with them and identifying the input they need from the Doorstep team. Increasingly, young people are taking leadership roles to produce, fundraise and create their own independent projects and reflect upon the process.

To support young people’s emerging pathways we are providing:

  • Opportunities to initiate new creative projects and collaborate with other emerging artists and producers
  • Ongoing mentoring to support young people’s journeys alongside professional artists
  • Pairings with industry mentors across artistic, technical and production roles
  • Financial and creative support necessary to take ideas for a walk and scratch new work
  • Opportunities for young people to reflect on their progress through ‘action-based’ artistic projects as co-researchers
  • Hands-on opportunities to explore different roles and specialisms in the arts
  • Entry points into working with our Scratch and Doorstep Theatre programmes through Foot in the Door
  • Paid opportunities for emerging producers and teaching artists


If you are aged 13-25 and interested in developing your own creative practice, get in touch!

Developing skills and experience in the arts enables our lateral-thinking to create, reflect, problem-solve and imagine new pathways for the future. Whether you are in school or college or not in education or employment or training – we’re here to help emerging creatives work out what their next steps are and shape their pathways in the way that’s right for them.

Creative Pathways is part of the Producing Praxis project, made possible with the support of the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

To find out more, get in touch with Sam Parker –