Keeping within the Government Guidelines we wanted to share the following information to hopefully ease any worries you may have.
Clean Down
Keeping in line with COVID-19 guidelines, after every session, the staff will ensure that there is a thorough clean down of all the handles, toilets and any surface areas that children have had contact with.
No PPE clothing required
Children should not wear face masks or PPE of any description – this fits with Government Guidelines about keeping children safe in activity settings. You do not need to send your child with hand sanitiser as we have a hygiene routine on site.
COVID-19 Symptoms
If your child is showing symptoms consistent with that of COVID-19 (loss of taste and smell, fever, shortness of breath) please do not send them to our workshops. Please contact 119 for further support and advise.
Drop in groups
All the Saturday Drop-In groups and Early Years groups will now need parents, childminders and carers to pre-book these session for the term. The term is in two sections. The 1st section is a 6-week term and then the 2nd second is a 5-week term. This will allow Doorstep to know who is attending the sessions and to avoid any cross-over spreading. We will keep updated with Government Guidelines, as we hope to go back to a drop-in service for these groups in future.
If there is a second lockdown, we will provide each of our groups with an online service, which will include Zoom sessions and videos and activities to access. Each video and Zoom session will vary, depending on the groups. DAS will focus on dance technique and monologue rehearsal. Saturday Drop In Groups will explore creating stories from scratch and playful approaches. All groups will continue to explore the theme ‘In My Shoes’ with a digital plan.
- Demand for our groups is very high. We will require all parents to book their child’s space on their chosen sessions (including drop in sessions) prior to the term beginning. This will ensure your child/children’s has an allocated space and further public booking will the be opened up after pre-existing families have had a chance to reserve a space.
- We are asking for families to secure their child’s space by booking online.
- Please remember, this is a first come, first serve basis, and we will not be able to ‘squeeze’ your child into sessions – please make sure you’ve booked early.
- Once you have booked your child’s place, you will receive an email from a Lead Artist outlining further details of the sessions prior to the start of term.
We are aware that COVID-19 has affected many families financially during this period. If your family income has been negatively impacted by the pandemic and you find yourself unable to pay for sessions, please contact us and we can discuss options – there is some emergency support available. We do not want any of our usual participants to have to miss out on sessions due to financial pressures. If this applies to you and your family circumstances, please contact our finance administrator Marie Copland – Marie will be happy to discuss options. We are here. Please talk to us.
All staff at Doorstep will ensure that all our workshops are joyful anxiety-reducing spaces. As such we will not be requesting children to socially distance in sessions – risk will be mitigated by the bubble system, and we will encourage children to behave in a relaxed and joyful way while in the rehearsal room, which includes their physical proximity to each other within their bubbles. We will be very mindful of children in session and aware there may be children who are feel anxious about this new phase we are transitioning into. Please feel free to contact us to help us understand how we can best support your family in any way we can.
We understand this is a lot to digest, so thank you for taking the time to take it all in. We look forward to hearing from you.