11 Feb 2021

Celebrating Arts Award Week

Written by Polly Ferguson-Carruthers

Co-Parent for Open Doors and Participation


This week we are celebrating our incredible DAS participant who achieved their Bronze Arts Award qualification.  For the past year, we have been delivering Arts Award for our Senior Musical Theatre Groups (also known as DAS) in person and due to lockdown, digitally.  We are awe-inspired by the resiliences and creative journey our seniors have been on, continue to go on and we wanted to share some of their ‘best bits’, that we believe to truly summaries what Arts Award is.


Firstly….What is Arts Award?

Arts Award is a highly respected and universal qualification, based on sound approaches to teaching and learning. Arts Award is a unique set of qualifications that support children and young people from 5 years old up to the age of 25 to enjoy the arts, share their engagement, document their learnings and develop as artists and arts leaders. Doorstep offers 3 of the Arts Award qualifications:


EXPLORE – (5-7yrs)


DISCOVER – (7-11yrs)


BRONZE – (12yrs+)

This is a perfect example of one of our seniors engaging in Bronze qualification, Part D – Share a Skill. Our participants at Doorstep are continuously learning a new skill in workshops. This image beautifully captures one of our seniors sharing a mirroring exercises during lockdown.


Is Arts Award for me? 


Arts Award is a great way for young people to gain a qualification in an area that they are already pursuing. We aim for the Arts Award model to not feel academic and for your children to enjoy the journey of gaining a qualification in a non-stressful environment. Polly will be the advisor and assessor for Arts Award with the awarding organisation being Trinity College London. We believe that learning should be a place of enjoyment and creativity, that’s why we choose to offer Arts Award. But don’t just take our word for it, here is some of the feedback from our participants.


“It was eye-opening, informative, and a lot of fun.”
Young Adult – Achieved Bronze Arts Award


“I usually find school really challenging and don’t enjoy writing but Arts Award gave me the chance to show my work in a different way. I could draw, dance and film myself talking. I’m really pleased I did it.”
Young Adult – Achieved Bronze Arts Award.


This is a snippet view of one of our senior participants Arts Award journal. He chose to use his skills of drawing to share the workshops he was engaging in with Doorstep. This was a great example to visually see games & activities we play during drama sessions. This covers Bronze – Part A – Take Part.


What does it involve?


To achieve Bronze Arts Award, young people need to complete the following:

  • Part A – Take part in the arts (such as a performance/engage in Doorstep workshops)
  • Part B – Be the audience. Experience and review an arts event (watch a show/film)
  • Part C – Arts inspiration. Research the career and work of an artist (Eg. Inspiring actor/director)
  • Part D – Pass on an Arts skill (Teach a friend/family member a skill or share a skill in a Doorstep workshop)

*For Discover & Explore, the qualification covers the above, on an easier level. For further information please contact polly@doorsteparts.co.uk or go to their website www.artsaward.org.uk

We couldn’t love this anymore. One of our participants chose their grandfather as their Arts Inspiration.  To cover Part C, there is an opportunity for you to share who inspires you to be apart of the arts. That can range from an actress, a poet, directors, a teacher or even your grandfather. Who inspires you?


How much does it cost?


We at Doorstep understand that children’s groups, activities, exams/grades, hobbies can all start to add up but did you know that Doorstep Arts is an NPO organisation which means a non-profit arts education organisation based in Torbay.  This means we are currently able to subsidise Arts Award, so all we ask for is £13. Yes, £13 and this will cover the cost of your certificate!



This image focuses on Part B – Be the audience. Even during lockdown, that wasn’t going to stop our seniors completing their Award. Whether in lockdown or not, you can review a live stream show, or watch a film. And when theatres open again, you can review one of your favourite shows.


So one last note, WELL DONE to all our incredibly creative, talented seniors for passing their Arts Award! We knew you could do it and you did. If you know of a young person who would like to build their confidence, learning new skills, meet other children and be creative please get in touch.
