20 Jul 2023

AGM: Open Summer Meeting

On Wed 19 July, we celebrated a Decade of Doorstep with our first ever Open Summer Meeting.

Huge thanks to Mel, Maureen & Clive at the Palace Theatre for their care, food, drinks & hosting of this gathering over the evening – it felt very appropriate to hold this event at Stage Left, which is such an amazing space we feel honoured to use weekly for our groups.

Big thanks to Seren & Kitty, two of our work experience students this week, who took control of the Doorstep cameras and got some great photos across the evening.

And lastly, an enormous thank you to all who came in person, or sent videos, or emailed thoughts. It was part-party, part-tasky meeting, part-workshop, part-AGM. It felt very Doorsteppy. There was such a wonderful array of folks there – from Doorstep graduates to freelance artists to members of our current Advisory Board, some of whom we honoured for their service.

We’re looking forward to making this Open Summer Meeting an annual ritual… a chance each year to share progress and hear perspectives from stakeholders, partners, parents, carers, alumni, children, young people, and anyone else who wants to come along.

We’ll be sharing some exciting key updates with you over the blog across the next week or two, including our governance structure evolution – we have approved plans for 3 Youth Co-Chairs and a Youth Advisory Board for Doorstep which will be launching in September. We can’t wait to tell you more about this – and to share our impact numbers from 2022-23 too. So more updates to come from us. But for now – here’s some party photos. It was a joy. Thank you all. 10 years takes a team effort, and this story is all of ours. Thank you to everyone who has contributed across the last decade – we all make the story happen.